The Museum of Addiction & Recovery

A virtual museum for celebrating the stories, art and lived experiences of people in addiction and addiction recovery.


The exhibitions here contain images and text that portray addiction. Experiences with addiction may include traumatic subject matters such as death, sexual abuse and violence. Take special care if you are triggered by images of drugs and drug paraphernalia. (Exhibitions with images of needles will be additionally labeled.)


Mission Statement

The Museum of Addiction and Recovery is a virtual museum which celebrates the stories, art and lived experience of people in addiction or addiction recovery. It seeks to deepen empathy and understanding around substance use disorder (SUD) by showcasing the artwork of individuals in both active addiction and recovery. The museum is dedicated to the collection of addiction materiality and its narrative display both virtually and through temporary physical exhibitions. The museum is also committed to providing resources and treatment information for anyone struggling with SUD.

Our Artists

Our artists and guest curators are all individuals who have led complex, varied, and beautiful lives and just happen to have been touched by addiction. They are human beings who are so much more than their addiction who create vital, interesting and important work. We ethically work with artists both in active addiction and those in recovery. Our artists safety and wellbeing is imperative to the exhibitions we create at MoAR.


Danielle Megaffin is a PhD Candidate in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester. Danielle’s museum work focuses on ethical exhibition design in museums. Her work is trauma-informed, people centered and socially engaged. She believes museums should benefit the communities they represent while also advocating for social change.

Danielle is also in recovery from both alcohol use disorder and substance use disorder. She has combined her passion for museums and recovery in the world’s first museum dedicated to unbiased & empathetic depictions of addiction. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.







MoAR believes museums are not neutral. The museum engages in activist practices and is committed to the ongoing advocacy of transgender rights, LGBTQ+ rights, disability rights, Black Lives Matter, Indigenous rights and land claims, and decolonization. MoAR is committed to holding a diversity and intersectionality framework which is both anti-racist and anti-oppressive in all its decisions.

How we exhibit

pop-up physical exhibits

Art & Narrative Exhibits

PARTNER exhibits


If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, please find below a curated collection of resources. These resources are carefully selected by our consulting therapist.

Museum of addiction & Recovery

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