The Museum of Addiction and Recovery is a virtual museum which celebrates the stories, art and lived experience of people in addiction or addiction recovery. It seeks to deepen empathy and understanding around substance use disorder (SUD) by showcasing the artwork of individuals in both active addiction and recovery. The museum is dedicated to the collection of addiction materiality and its narrative display both virtually and through temporary physical exhibitions. The museum is also committed to providing resources and treatment information for anyone struggling with SUD.

We tell authentic stories that counter the reductive and entrenched dehumanizing stigma of addiction. We reject the dominant discourse promulgated by institutions of power- a discursive which has been normalized and accepted as truth- by destabilizing, depathologizing, and contextualizing individuals' experiences of addiction.

We challenge societal stereotypes of “the addict” by presenting the beautiful, full and vitally important lives of individuals.  

We utilize an inclusive diversity and intersectionality framework to guide all curatorial choices.

When working with individuals we use the core principles of trauma and violence-informed care: safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and a capacity-building approach which promotes resilience.

All exhibitions are designed using a trauma and violence0informed approach to minimize harm to museum visitors, staff, and volunteers.

MoAR believes museums are not neutral. The museum engages in activist practices and is committed to the ongoing advocacy of transgender rights, LGBTQ+ rights, disability rights, Black Lives Matter, Indigenous Land Back claims, and decolonisation. MoAR is committed to working from a strong foundational framework of intersectionality and diversity, which is rooted in anti-racist and anti-oppressive perspectives in all its decisions.


